The Sioux worshipped the "Wakan Tanka" otherwise known as the Great Spirit.
- There is a spirit or God for everything that exists.
- There were underwater spirits, The White Buffalo Woman, and The Thunderbirds, which are in the sky.
- The Buffalo Woman would give each tribe a medicine pipe, which helps people see visions.
- For the Sioux, visions and dreams were ways to talk to the spirits.
The White Buffalo Woman ^^^
- Because of the White Buffalo Woman, the Sioux had a wheel that represents the four colos of life, and the four directions. (North, South, East, West.)
- It's called the Medicine Wheel. The Four colors are:
North – (Red) wisdom, place where the ancient ones passed over
South – (White) youth, friendships
East - (Yellow) beginnings, family
West – (Black) solitude, adulthood